Sunday, March 16, 2008

Post #2: Today's Project

The whites are Impatiens, the front reds are Petunias, and the back reds are Gerber Daisies.

Luckily the sun wasn't out during this little endeavor. 


Dagny said...

hate you and your damn flowers.




Woodrow said...

Why would you not want the sun out? Unless you were hoping for rain clouds?

Julie said...

Dagny- Bite my shiny metal ass. :)

Woodrow- because it stayed cool enough so that I didn't get too hot planting.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Good job.

Anonymous said...


LizLSB said...

Very pretty! I've got flowers blooming too; it makes me feel better.

Erin said...

I love it Julie!! Want to come plant some flowers in my apartment.. I am sure th cats would love it, my lanlord...not so much I am thinking!

jennyquarx said...

Wow, gorgeous!