Saturday, April 05, 2008


We watched all 5+ hours of Pride and Prejudice after all. It was swoon worthy, and I'm not much of a chick flick person, but this is one of my favorite movies of all time. I was bummed because Nina wasn't around to watch it with me via IM, and it wasn't as much fun without her (hair jiggle!), but it was enjoyable just the same. Livvie wasn't that into it, but she behaved wonderfully the entire time it was on. I do have to mention that at one point in our lives Nina and I turned P&P into a drinking game and would for instance drink every time someone said "Indeed" or "Mr Collins!" and it was great fun.

After we watched that I decided to play to her interests (maybe) and I put on Finding Nemo for her. At the beginning she was fascinated by the colors of the fish and the ocean scenes, and then she lost interest when Nemo ended up in the fish tank. Regardless, we watched it twice, and then I put on A Bug's Life for her, which she seemed to enjoy more. We got halfway through that before it was bedtime, and I shut it off to watch Fellowship of the Ring on TNT even though I own the damn thing and can now (FINALLY) watch it whenever I want.

Today we watched the end of A Bug's Life when she finally woke up because she wasn't interested in the dog show on Animal Planet, and after it was over I put on Beauty and the Beast, which is now on. She's occasionally stopping what she's doing to watch the TV, but she seems fairly uninterested in this as well. This is basically what I'm aiming for, and I'm hoping that eventually she'll be so uninterested in the TV that I can turn it off altogether. In the meantime I'm making sure that whatever is on is something that I can enjoy as well. In fact, we're off to Target this weekend to get a few more DVDs, such as Tarzan and Animaniacs, that won't drive me bugshit.

So thanks for keeping your fingers crossed everyone, it seems to be working. Have a great Saturday!


Dagny said...

I LOVE your new approach. And I love that it allows you to get some grown up stimulation, instead of the fucksteins or the wiggles.


Anonymous said...

I love that movie, that version is my all time favorite and I love that man! So glad Livie is behaving :-).

LizLSB said...

Confession: I haven't seen P&P. It's on my "watch when I can be still long enough" list.

Michele said...

I've never seen P&P either. And probably the only way I could watch it is if I take a drink of something boozy every time someone says "Indeed". But it would only be fun doing that if I were on IM with someone. lol

I'm sure glad Livvie is cooperating!!!

Kelly said...

I'm so glad it's working! Yay for P&P!