On October 31st my BFF and I will be doing Livvie's blessing ceremony. This is sometimes called a "Wiccaning" if one is a Wiccan. I'm more of a Pagan/Kitchen Witch so while we'll be doing the blessing there will be some Wiccan aspects we'll leave out.
I am excited about this, because she's now old enough where she can disrupt everything and lend some much needed humor to the proceedings.
Here's the other part I'm excited about:
"There are many paths, and each must find his/her own. Therefore I do not seek to bind (baby) to any one path while he/she is still too young to choose. I ask the Lord and Lady, who know all paths, and to whom all paths lead, to bless, protect, and prepare him/her through the years of childhood so that when at last he/she is truly grown, he/she shall know without doubt or fear which path is his/hers."
Righto. The blessing we are asking for is being done FOR her, not TO her. I will say those words above and mean every last one of them. She will have choice. She will have options. If she decides down the road to become a Christian I'll gladly send her off to do that.
So on Halloween my daughter (dressed as a baby sea turtle) and I will be standing outside with her Godmother and asking for goodness and light. Not a bad start to the New Year.
Interesting. I'm a Christian and really hope that Maggie chooses to become a Christian. However, this is her choice and something she must decide for herself, so we never had her baptized.
I don't think I'd feel at peace with her choice if she chose to be anything other, but I'd support her no matter what, and really hope I don't pressure or guilt her into it.
It sounds like a really cool ceremony, even if I can't get behind the spiritual side of it.
Is there some significance to her being dressed as a turtle, or is that just her Halloween outfit?
Nah, she's just gonna be the baby sea turtle from Finding Nemo because he's cool. LOL
Applause, applause!
Blessed Be!!! :D
Wyrd Sista'
That sounds so cool.
that is the coolest thing ever.
Blessed Be! - Kath
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