Sunday, April 26, 2009

Not Quite Godzilla...

But this morning I happened to look up at the kitchen window in time to see the tops of several bamboos marching past the house. So I grabbed my camera and ran out the door to come upon this:

What he said: "This is hard."

You have to admit his method for moving them is pretty smart.

And yes, he's the only intelligent person I have ever met who is deliberately planting bamboo near the house. He's digging it out of the woods next to our driveway. However, we live next door (on the other side) to the county's ugliest single wide trailer that has entire sections of siding missing, and over the years more and more junk and trash has collected in their yard and in front of their house than can be a good idea. It drives Rich bugshit because he works so hard to keep our yard and property nice. So one day last summer it occurred to him that bamboo spreads fairly rapidly and will soon choke an area completely. And there was a free supply of mature trees in the woods that just required digging. So there you have it.

Just cross your fingers that he doesn't give himself a stroke doing this in this heat today.

1 comment:

Nina said...

I miss you, honey. It's good to see you blogging and so gloriously pregnant. Find me on the machine or call me whenever; I want to hear all I have missed. Xo, Nina