Monday, September 29, 2008

Oh well

My bank failed.

Thank the Gods for the FDIC, is all I can say. Not that I have a whole lot of money in the bank, but the point is, ugh.

Today Citibank purchased Wachovia and that means that I now have a new bank. You know, one shops for banks. I did anyway. I decided on Wachovia purposely. 

I guess that doesn't matter now.

In other news, The Bailout didn't pass, and I'm not certain if that is good or bad. I can tell you that it made me uncomfortable for that much money in taxpayer dollars to be going to this deal. I just don't know what's going on anymore, other than thank the Gods I'm used to having so little already. Thank the Gods I have no stock. 

I just don't know what's going to happen to this country. It sucks.


Anonymous said...

Now you and I have the same bank! :D You'll like it, I really, really like it, never been so pleased with a bank, actually.

Anonymous said...

My motto is:roll with the changes, have no fear. You will be fine Julie. XOXO

Em said...

We'll all be fine.

LizLSB said...

You and me both, with the switcheroo. I, too, now bank at CitiBank nee Wachovia nee First Union. I've had the same bank account since 1988, and despite the name changes, the services have either improved or remained the same. Nothing's gotten worse.