Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures


Anonymous said...

Than kew!!

Anonymous said...


Woodrow said...

I still think she's smokin' hot, even in that picture.

Em said...

She is pretty, Woodrow, but SMOKIN' HOT? Not possible!

LizLSB said...

I must be in the minority of people who don't even think she's particularly pretty. She's attractive but not a babe. Tina Fey is hotter, even playing Palin.

jennyquarx said...

Every time she opens her mouth her level of attractiveness lessens. She's going to be butt ugly in about four days.

Nina said...

You are scaring the crap out of me. Seven days and no Julie? What is going on over there? Por que, digame, whatever... just appear, somewhere, anywhere.


Dagny said...

Yes, come back please.


LizLSB said...

Knock knock. Where's Julie?