I haven't accomplished much, unless you figure in marriage and the kid.
I've been to Canada, Mexico, and Ireland. I've worked about 2 dozen jobs if not more. I've never hang glided, skate boarded, or gone cliff diving.
I've skied. Twice.
I've never really done anything illegal, unless you count speeding. I never even shop lifted as a kid (Dad was a cop. I'd have sooner chewed off my own toes).
My claim to fame is that while I was in Mexico I won a beer drinking contest. How awesome is that?
I want to learn sword fighting. I want to learn how to kick box. I want to learn how to fire a gun, water ski, and drink tequila shots the correct way.
I want time to do all of that. Do I have time? Probably after the kid is older.
I'll talk about all of this again when I'm 40. Maybe I'll at least have learned tequila shots by then.
I will absolutely be your Tequila Tutor.
Sip it, babe.
Oh yeah and Monday is the boys birthday too!
Do it all NOW, don't wait :-).
We never know how much time we have left...
I'll come visit you and teach you tequila shots and skateboarding.
And I am going to teach you to fly one day...;)
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