Friday, May 02, 2008

Too Much Fun

Yesterday morning we hit Kmart first thing before heading to the playground. I was looking for a sand/water table or just a water table for Livvie. The sand/water table was $79, but they had a water table on sale for $29.99. I got that and a kiddie pool for $9.99 and we dropped off the stuff before heading to the playground.

When we got home I put Livvie down for a nap and assembled her water table. I then got the hose and completely filled it up, tossed the toys into it, and waited for her to get up. She woke up at about 1 o clock, and I fed her lunch and then hung out online until 2pm when I decided to give it a whirl.

She didn't understand it until I put my hand in it and splashed the water around. Holy cow then, look out. She freaking loved it. She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt and got herself completely soaked. Her shoes were soaked, her socks were soaked, she was a total mess. I ended up taking her clothes off of her and letting her play in her diaper. It worked out much better.

She ended up playing with the table for 2 full hours. We came back in the house at 4pm, just in time for me to watch the Crab Dudes, and she cried when I brought her in the house. I think this is the best $30 I've ever spent. She couldn't get enough of it.

So while she was napping just now I dumped and refilled the table, and we're going out to play as soon as she's done her lunch. I'll take her clothes off this time before we head out there. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I might not be on here as I have now received seasons 2 and 3 of Buffy and want to get going with them. 

Take care. :)


Anonymous said...

Have a lovely weekend, we'll miss you.

Dagny said...

That is soooooooo freaking awesome!!!

You go Miss Livvie!!!!!

LizLSB said...

Wonderful way to keep a kid entertained. Sometimes, I miss this stage. We're at the "our kids lie to us, then have the nerve to say WE are the assholes" stage. Hope it passes soon.