Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Oh Great

This morning I left the room for 3 minutes and came back in to discover that Livvie had pulled the wiring out of the phone jack. Rich had to fix it.


I had her out in her play yard that Rich had built for her and I went onto the side deck to talk to him for a minute. ONE minute. I went back to the back deck and she was gone. I screamed and ran around to the front yard first, freaking out that she might wander out into the road. She wasn't out there. I ran around to the back yard again and found her all the way in the far corner about to wander off into the woods.

Frigging awesome.

So, unless I lock her in the kitchen I can't leave her alone for even one minute apparently.

Have a great day everyone. I'm going to have a beer.


Anonymous said...

You don't reall I put my youngest, David, on a leash & attached it to the clothesline, do you? Really. He was even on a leash when we went out in the stroller = that kid was FAST! and loved the middle of the street.

Dagny said...


Hope the beer was good.


Em said...

Oh god, I've had those scary moments before too... they SUCK. This is the age... you gotta keep a close watch... one reason why that age is no fun for mama.

Kelly said...

Oh man, scary!!

Anonymous said...

I would be a nervous wreck. Is she too old for a play pen? A really
large one :-).Hugs.

LizLSB said...

I hated those scary moments, too. It gets better though -- for a while. Then they learn to drive. I'll have a beer or two with you.